Rough Magic Press
About the author

William Brasse is the author of all Rough Magic Press books. He has also been published in a number of small magazines (see below). His literary efforts have included novels, short stories, plays, essays and even poetry. Extrapolating from the results he has received so far, he does not expect to be recognized in his lifetime.

Like so many people, William Brasse lives in California. Like fewer people, he was born in Tennessee. Like almost no one, he has been a vegan since 1979.

Publications, Awards

Black Hole in
Liquid Imagination Online

Abraham's Axe in
Border Crossing

The Bet in
Hare's Paw Literary Journal

Little Pond in
Black Works

Gypsies (PDF) as published in
The Southern Review

Mr. Lincoln's Money In
The Write Launch

The Wormhole in the Closet in
Grim and Gilded
Riding with Death in Suspended (Coming soon)

TWFest 2024 finalist
Old Academy Players 2024 One-Act Bonanza
Live Arts 2024 Waterworks Festival